The Cost of Feeding 1000 Catfish in Ghana in 2024

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Discover the actual cost of feeding 1000 catfish in Ghana to table size and smarter strategies cut down cost of production and improve your profit margins.

Catfish farming demands a substantial capital investment, with a significant portion, approximately 80%, of the expenses attributed to the cost of feeding. Today, we provide you with precise insights into the expenses involved in feeding 1000 catfish in Ghana, spanning from the fingerling stage to reaching a marketable size of at least 1 kg.

Cost of Feeding 1000 Catfish in Ghana

Interest in catfish farming in Ghana has been on a steady incline, drawing the attention of numerous individuals eager to embark on this promising venture. Nonetheless, comprehensive data on real-world expenditures, profits, and rewards remains scarce. Our objective is to illuminate every aspect of this endeavor through our blog, YouTube, and TikTok channels. We aim to equip you with the in-depth insights and knowledge you need to thrive as a successful catfish farmer in Ghana.

The expenses incurred in catfish farming encompass various categories, including fixed and recurring costs. Among these, the cost of feeding emerges as the predominant recurring cost and plays a central role in your overall production cycle when striving to raise catfish in Ghana.

Before delving into the specific details of feeding expenses for 1000 catfish in Ghana, it’s crucial to acknowledge the significance of fixed costs in your catfish farming venture. Even if these aspects don’t immediately pique your interest, understanding their impact is essential for comprehending how they can influence your overall profit margins as a catfish farmer in Ghana.

The Cost of Feeding 1000 Catfish in Ghana

Fixed Cost in Catfish Production in Ghana

  • Space (Land)
  • Water Source
  • The pond
  • Farm House (Security)
  • Pumping Machines


Commencing a catfish farming venture in Ghana necessitates access to land or a suitable space for your operations. Land costs can vary significantly depending on whether you opt for an urban or rural location. Many catfish farmers, including ourselves, often prefer rural areas due to the generally lower land expenses compared to urban areas. This choice can be a strategic one to optimize the cost structure of your catfish farming business.

Indeed, while rural areas may offer more affordable land, they can present certain challenges, such as limited access to essential amenities like electricity. In some cases, as you mentioned, catfish farmers in such areas may need to rely on generators to power necessary equipment like boreholes, which can significantly contribute to operational costs. It’s important to carefully weigh these pros and cons when selecting a location for your catfish farming enterprise to make informed decisions about your cost structure.

The catfish market in Ghana tends to be concentrated primarily in major cities like Accra and Kumasi, each catering to specific culinary preferences. Accra is known for its “point and kill” style restaurants, where customers select live catfish to be prepared immediately. On the other hand, Kumasi is famous for its smoked catfish. While these preferences are predominant, there can indeed be overlaps in the market, and diversifying your product offerings may also be an option to consider based on the regional demand and customer preferences in specific areas. Understanding these regional variations is crucial for effectively positioning your catfish farming business in the Ghanaian market.

Indeed, one of the implications for catfish farmers in Ghana is that during certain seasons or periods of high production, it can be challenging to attract buyers from distant urban centers like Accra or Kumasi to travel to your farm to purchase the fish. This can lead to logistical and marketing challenges, including the need for transportation and finding ways to reach potential customers in these urban areas. Farmers may need to explore strategies such as establishing distribution networks, partnering with local markets, or even considering processing and packaging options to overcome this challenge and ensure a consistent market for their catfish, particularly during bumper seasons.

Choosing a location in the Eastern Region of Ghana, which offers relatively easier access to major demand hubs like Accra and Kumasi, can indeed be a strategic move for catfish farmers. This proximity to urban centers can help mitigate some of the challenges associated with attracting buyers during bumper seasons. It provides a more convenient location for potential customers and may facilitate better market access for your catfish products. However, it’s essential to conduct a thorough feasibility study and consider other factors like infrastructure, water availability, and local market dynamics before finalizing your location decision.

Having space or the means to afford land in an urban center like Accra for catfish farming can indeed be an enviable advantage. Urban locations typically offer more convenient access to markets, potential customers, and infrastructure, which can facilitate various aspects of your catfish farming business. However, it’s essential to recognize that each location comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities, and success in catfish farming can be achieved in both urban and rural settings with the right planning and strategies in place.

Water Source

Water is a fundamental element in any aquaculture setup, including catfish farming. Catfish are aquatic animals that rely on water not only for their habitat but also for essential life processes such as respiration, feeding, and waste removal. Having a dependable and sustainable source of water is paramount for the success of your catfish farming business in Ghana. This includes ensuring water quality, quantity, and consistency to create an optimal environment for catfish growth and health. Careful consideration and management of your water source are crucial aspects of catfish farming operations.

You have several options for water in Ghana;

  • Borehole
  • River
  • Ghana water

Indeed, having an onsite borehole can be a significant advantage for catfish farming in Ghana. It provides a reliable and consistent source of water throughout the year, which is crucial for maintaining continuous fish production, especially during dry seasons when surface water sources may be less dependable. Additionally, in the long term, having your own borehole can be cost-effective compared to relying on external water sources, as it reduces the recurring expense associated with purchasing water.

River bodies can serve as viable water sources, provided they maintain consistent water levels throughout the dry season. It’s possible to design a recirculating system that draws water from the river, directs it through your ponds, and then returns it to the river, ensuring a constant supply of fresh water for your catfish at all times.

Ghana water is the least of the sources of water you should consider, due to it’s high cost, and unreliability.

The Pond

In Ghana, catfish farmers have several pond options to choose from, including earthen ponds, tarpaulin ponds, and fish tank systems. Each of these pond types comes with its own set of advantages and considerations for catfish farming operations.

Earthen ponds offer distinct advantages in catfish farming in Ghana. They are cost-effective to construct, straightforward to manage, and require minimal water changes. This is because the natural earth in these ponds acts as a buffer, emulating the catfish’s natural habitat. It helps dissipate fish waste and leftover feed into the soil, reducing the overall need for frequent water changes. These characteristics make earthen ponds an attractive choice for many catfish farmers in Ghana.

Another notable advantage of earthen ponds is that catfish tend to exhibit faster and more robust growth when raised in them compared to other pond types. The natural environment provided by earthen ponds, along with the efficient waste management system, contributes to creating optimal conditions for the healthy development of catfish, resulting in accelerated growth and stronger fish.

Tarpaulin ponds, in contrast to earthen ponds, are typically the costliest option in Ghana for catfish farming. They do not offer the advantages mentioned earlier, such as natural waste management and accelerated growth. However, one advantage of tarpaulin ponds is that they make fish harvesting more straightforward compared to earthen ponds.

Tarpaulin ponds and fish tank systems have higher water requirements in comparison to earthen ponds. In an earthen pond, a fish can thrive for as long as three months without the need for a water change, depending on the stocking density. Conversely, tarpaulin ponds or fish tank systems may necessitate water changes as frequently as twice a week. These frequent water changes can significantly increase your operational costs.

Although other costs are certainly relevant, our primary focus today is to delve into the specific details of determining the actual cost of feeding 1000 catfish in Ghana until they reach maturity. Let’s dive into the intricacies of this aspect.

The Cost of Feeding 1000 Catfish in Ghana

As previously mentioned, there are indeed other costs to consider when producing 1000 catfish in Ghana. Now, let’s delve deeper into the precise expenses associated with feeding these 1000 catfish to maturity in Ghana.

While others have written on this topic, it is obvious that several factors have been ignored, and as such I feel the need to fill in the hole left.

In Ghana, catfish farming typically aims for a target weight of at least 1 kg, unless the intention is to produce catfish specifically for the smoking market. To calculate the feed cost for these 1000 catfish, it’s crucial to first comprehend the conversion rate of feed to body weight.

How many kilogram of feed does a single catfish need to take before it produces 1 kilogram of weight?

It’s crucial to recognize that various factors, including the quality of fingerlings and water conditions, can potentially have adverse effects on the feed-to-weight conversion ratios.

Based on our experience in Ghana, you can typically expect a feed-to-body weight gain ratio of at least 1.2 kg of feed to yield 1.0 kg of body weight. In other words, for every 1 kg of fish weight gained, approximately 1.2 kg of feed weight is consumed.

For 1000 catfish being grown to a target weight of 1 kg each, you would need a minimum of 1,200 kg of fish feed to meet their dietary requirements.

In Ghana, fish feeds are commonly available in 15 kg bags. To determine the number of bags needed for 1,200 kg of fish feed, you would divide 1,200 by 15, which equals 80 bags of feed.

To feed 1000 catfish in Ghana to table size, you would indeed require a minimum of 80 bags of fish feed. However, it’s essential to note that the price of catfish feed can vary significantly in Ghana. On average, a 15 kg bag from Ranaan might cost you around 250 Ghana cedis, excluding transportation costs, while a similar bag from Aller Aqua could be priced at 350 cedis. These price variations should be considered when calculating the total cost of feeding your catfish to maturity.

Doing the maths;

Feed BrandCost of Feeding 100 CatfishTotal (Cedis)
Aller Aqua350 * 8028,000
Ranaan Feed250 * 8020,000
Cost of Feeding 1000 Catfish in Ghana

The cost of catfish feed in Ghana isn’t constant, however, these figures holds true, at the time of press.

In conclusion, the cost of feeding 1000 catfish in Ghana to table size typically falls within the range of 20,000 Ghana cedis to 28,000 Ghana cedis, with variations based on the specific brand of feed you choose for your catfish farming operation.

Expected Revenues from Raising 1000 Catfish in Ghana to Table Size

Catfish are omnivorous creatures, consuming both plant and animal matter, and they can even exhibit cannibalistic tendencies within their species. When not managed properly, catfish farming can be susceptible to high mortality rates, with potential losses as substantial as 50%. This is not an exaggeration, and there are strategies to mitigate mortality on a catfish farm. Nonetheless, it’s prudent to anticipate a mortality rate of approximately 10%.

Thus our 1000 catfish fingerlings we started with are now 900 table sized catfish.

The current whole sale prices in Ghana for 1 kg catfish is 40 cedis, it can get as worse as 30 or 35 cedis, but you are a good business man/woman and I assume you have the best market, thus 40 cedis per kilo.

40 cedis mutiplied by 900 catfish (40 * 900) = 36,000 Ghana cedis.

Thus, total revenues from growing 1000 catfish in Ghana for a period of 6 months is 36,000 Ghana cedis.

Estimated Profits from Raising 1000 Catfish in Ghana

Aller Aqua36,000-28,0008,000
Estimated Profit Margins from Growing 1000 Catfish in Ghana

These calculations are simplified estimations, and actual results can vary significantly because the cost of producing 1000 catfish in Ghana encompasses numerous factors beyond just feed expenses.

Additional considerations include the cost of acquiring fingerlings, labor expenses, water change costs, fuel expenses for water pumps, transportation expenditures, and more. When all these costs are aggregated, it might seem that catfish farming in Ghana could be less profitable.

However, experienced farmers understand that the path to profitability involves optimizing business operations. In this context, reducing the feed cost is a key strategy. By implementing alternative feeding methods for catfish, it’s possible to lower production expenses by approximately 50%, ultimately enhancing the profitability of catfish farming.

You can estimate costs for different quantities of catfish using our production cost calculator. Find more helpful fish farming calculators here.

Ready to Invest in Agriculture?Don’t waste time going through the hard way, join our crowd farming platform today and enjoy good profits

Now, You too can farm online and make good profits! You Invest, We Farm, You Profit!



6 responses to “The Cost of Feeding 1000 Catfish in Ghana in 2024”

  1. Gabriel Katamani Avatar
    Gabriel Katamani

    Thanks for sharing your experience, it’s bee very educative.
    I would have loved more experience shared on pond size and population of fish.
    And also the alternative vegetable feed to reduce feeding cost.
    I have a pond will like to start one.

    1. Thanks for reading and taking time to comment Gabriel,
      We have the alternative feeds for catfish covered in detail here;

  2. Benjamin Ankrah Avatar
    Benjamin Ankrah

    This is a good one. thank you.

    1. glad you found it useful!

  3. Emmanuel Amoah Avatar
    Emmanuel Amoah

    Very good analysis.. Seems like a hard business to gain profit

    1. Very well said, indeed it is a business that you truly need to understand the science behind it, before you engage in it

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